

2024 USA elections   Just as Biden partners with Harris as a strategy to stay in power, Trump will use Kennedy to protect himself from assassination. Trump / Kennedy, the anti-establishment, anti-war, pro-freedom red team will face off with Biden / Harris the pro-establishment pro-war, security for the common good woke blue team.  Biden with the support of the establishment will win. It will provoke the BRICS alliance to the extent that it will be totally ignored and alienated. The USA, financially devastated is broken up into independent red and blue states. The red nation-states will prosper in an Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" way.  The blue nation-states will continue to follow a fascistic tyrannical style of governance.   Israel Palestinians and Jews are like cousins fighting over their grandfather's house - one holding the deed and the other, the keys. Like many who are victimised as children have deeply wounded roots and are destined to be victimisers as adult...

Consumerism addiction

The recent reaction of America and its Western allies is that of a drug addict.  Drug-addicted parents abuse and neglect their children and the families become aggressive and irrational. The children are greatly disadvantaged and are in danger of following in their parent's footsteps. Addicts shamelessly lie and are in constant denial, like a child with a chocolate-covered mouth denying having eaten the chocolate. They manipulate, perform criminal activities, and shift the blame to others. This clear behaviour of drug addicts is reflected in the behaviour of all the facets of America - from the politicians, the banks, the corporations, scientists, academics, media, entertainment and all the leaders and influencers that people follow.   There are times when drug addicts go thru phases of self-flagellation. They drown themselves in shame, guilt, and acceptance that they can not make it on their own. They turn to tribalism and like in a cult find solace in belonging to a gro...

Decentralized Personal Artificial Intelligence

It all started when computers evolved to learn how to play chess just by observing how people played. In a short time, computers beat the world champion chess players. Then computers learned how to drive cars by observing how people drove. In a short time, computers drove better than the best race car drivers.  The new fast-evolving self-learning computers called Artificial Intelligence or AI for short, collected and processed information so fast that they learned in a short time how to write, paint and draw, better than the most gifted authors and artists. By observing the many scam artists stealing the identities of people, AI learned to mimic celebrities by collecting and processing their public data.  Then AI could produce an interview between 2 celebrities who have never met before, and viewers would not know that it was produced by a self-learning AI.      As people started to have fewer and fewer children, more and more bought decentralized personali...

The living Universe

The universe is a fabric called aether or dark matter. Like a sponge of air.  It contains matter  in a sea of vibrations called energy, like sound waves .  Matter is condensed energy. Swirling waves  like   snowflakes  in  hurricanes . In the beginning, matter filled space - half of them swirling clockwise and the other half, anti-clockwise.  Matter  and its counterpart  anti-matter  annihilated one another when they collided leaving space empty with a residue of what remained.  Energy is radiated from matter as packets of waves called photons. Photons are like water molecules that cause waves to propagate in water much like a wave of dominoes falling. Or like a molecule of air causing sound waves to propagate. As the photon travels thru space, it is absorbed and emitted by the atoms along the way.  Atoms  are bundled forms of matter that form various stable structures that connect together in various ways to form ...


  The smart-phone and the social media awakened narcissism in people. They started to lose their belief in an all-knowing God, replacing it with the technology that monitored their wants and needs and provided them with instant knowledge of the good and bad, true and false. They started to post selfies and anonymous rude comments. This power in their pockets gave them a false sense of superiority. Those with leftist ideological political leanings felt a need to help make a better world and save the planet. They proudly claimed to be woke - awakened and enlightened.  They were very sensitive to all the oppression they witnessed. They saw that the privileged rich white men were in the past oppressing the slaves and robbing the third world of its resources, were also oppressing females, homosexuals, and all marginalized minorities. They believed that all oppression must be stopped. This belief became a new religion and spread like a virus. Preference to collectivism and groupthin...

Deception of war

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Truckers of the world UNITE

  Truckers of the world - UNITE FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!!! Brought to you by