2024 USA elections
Just as Biden partners with Harris as a strategy to stay in power, Trump will use Kennedy to protect himself from assassination. Trump / Kennedy, the anti-establishment, anti-war, pro-freedom red team will face off with Biden / Harris the pro-establishment pro-war, security for the common good woke blue team. Biden with the support of the establishment will win. It will provoke the BRICS alliance to the extent that it will be totally ignored and alienated. The USA, financially devastated is broken up into independent red and blue states. The red nation-states will prosper in an Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" way. The blue nation-states will continue to follow a fascistic tyrannical style of governance.
Palestinians and Jews are like cousins fighting over their grandfather's house - one holding the deed and the other, the keys. Like many who are victimised as children have deeply wounded roots and are destined to be victimisers as adults, the Palestinians and Jews victimised each other and regarded themselves at the same time as victims. After being nearly exterminated in Europe, the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland from which they were expelled by the Romans 2,000 years ago. They were allowed to set up their sovereign nation. The local Arabs, referred to as Palestinians, also wanted to be recognised as a sovereign nation but were instead uprooted by the flood of new Jewish arrivals. Just as the Germans evicted the Jews from their homes a few years before, the Jews evicted the Palestinians from their lands. In desperation, the Palestinians, driven out to refugee camps in the desert, terrorised the Jews and were committed to driving them out to the sea.
With financial help from sympathetic Jews worldwide, the Jews were able to defend themselves, grow bigger and make the desert bloom. Arabs and Jews were unable to agree that living peacefully next to a friendly neighbour is better than living next to an enemy. The mutual fear they had for each other festered into deep hatred and violence that rose to intolerable levels reaching war crime proportions that both denied. Both sides targeted civilians claiming that they were just soldiers out of uniform.
The more the Jews prospered, the more the Arabs were impoverished and the more they resented and terrorised the Jews. The Jews in return defended themselves by isolating themselves from the Arabs. Victims of abuse eventually tend to become abusers themselves. The Jews set up an apartheid state to protect themselves. When that failed, they set up open-air prisons and fenced-in concentration camps. Having learned from their Nazi past, they started a plan of extermination. Arabs in desperation were using children as human shields to protect their rocket launchers. Jews bombed them anyway killing the children instead of using available defensive capabilities to shoot the rockets down from the air. Both sides were determined to exterminate each other. The killings spilt over into the neighbouring countries and they, along with many nations worldwide, grew sympathetic to the Palestinians and became very antagonistic towards Israel.
Iran, powered by an Islamic theocracy, successfully defied its powerful enemy the USA who was determined to destroy it. This display of power inspired the neighbouring Arab countries to unite in the name of Islam to save their brother Palestinians from extermination. With material and ideological support from Iran, they invaded Israel. The USA's ties to Israel were dominated by Jewish money interests. the religious duty of the believers. and by virtue signalling of Jews feeling pity for their brethren in Israel. The Europeans were driven by 70 years of Jewish guilt of committing genocide. Both jumped in to protect Israel. When things looked bad for Iran, Russia joined in to help.
The war almost threatened the entire world with an apocalyptic end. Both sides were equally armed with the latest long-range supersonic missiles that could not be intercepted. Both sides fought to the last man. and last missile. They were so equally matched that by the time they had no more weapons and no more soldiers, they both found themselves totally destroyed. It was the first war in history that did not have a winning side and that left both sides in ruins.
The Chinese, who stayed neutral, were ready to pick up the pieces and set up a world government. They rebuilt all of the worldwide destruction. Jerusalem was made the world capital housing the United Nations and all international agencies. A peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Jews was enforced and the Jews were allowed to build their sacred temple for the third time as prophesied. A three-state solution was enforced with the West Bank and Gaza declared new sovereign nations. The lands taken over by the Jews were returned to the original Arabs who were evicted. The Jews had to hire Palestinians to rebuild all buildings destroyed over the 70 years of occupation. Many Jews who settled in the West Bank or Gaza over the last 70 years stayed enriching the new nations greatly. The others sold their settlements for their original price. Palestinians suddenly found themselves inheritors of highly developed lands regained from the underdeveloped lands they were evicted from. The threats of mutual extermination vanished when it was seen by all that living with prosperous, thriving and happy neighbours was much better for all and all prospered.
There was finally peace worldwide. The peace lasted till China enforced strict financial control on all money transactions. All movements and actions of all citizens in all nations were recorded and scored. Claiming it to be prophesized as a sign of the antichrist and the second coming of Jesus, many Jews and Muslims refused to be chipped and they converted to Christianity. Christians were outlawed and persecuted until a UFO appeared in the sky visible to all. An alien appeared and claimed to be the saviour of humanity, It was shown that despite an attempt at using atom bombs by both sides of the war, all were mysteriously disabled from being launched. The alien left, leaving behind an AI system that took control of the world government.
The chip that monitored people's actions was updated to monitor what people thought. All crime vanished. All persecution, oppression, financial controls and wars were prohibited. All freedoms were defended and promoted. Most people followed three rules: - 1) be grateful for your life and for nature that allows all life, 2) love your neighbour as you love yourself, and 3) forgive your sins and the sins of others. The world entered a period of peace, prosperity and abundance for all.
Decentralised Personalized AI will learn to mimic individuals and people will use these AIs as clones of themselves with a greatly superior intelligence. They will use these clones as a parent uses their specially gifted and successful child, or as a respected guru that knows you intimately and is there to offer you wisdom to help you at all times. As people age and eventually die, those without children will regard their clones as their rightful immortal children.
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