The living Universe
The universe is a fabric called aether or dark matter. Like a sponge of air. It contains matter in a sea of vibrations called energy, like sound waves. Matter is condensed energy. Swirling waves like snowflakes in hurricanes. In the beginning, matter filled space - half of them swirling clockwise and the other half, anti-clockwise. Matter and its counterpart anti-matter annihilated one another when they collided leaving space empty with a residue of what remained.
Energy is radiated from matter as packets of waves called photons. Photons are like water molecules that cause waves to propagate in water much like a wave of dominoes falling. Or like a molecule of air causing sound waves to propagate. As the photon travels thru space, it is absorbed and emitted by the atoms along the way.
Atoms are bundled forms of matter that form various stable structures that connect together in various ways to form crystals and molecules.
Gravity is waves in aether that move and concentrate atoms, like wind.
Dark energy is aether without vibrations ingested by our universe from the outside like nutrients, and makes the universe grow and expand. This ingestion of dark energy, like falling raindrops into a puddle causes the universe to expand and to form gravity waves that propagate in it.
Black holes, like waterfalls, expel torn aether as dark energy to the outside. Like fallen leaves, they nurture space so that universes moving thru it are nurtured.
The expulsion of aether thru black holes causes the universe to move thru space much like amoebas move thru water. As it moves, it consumes dark energy - the torn eather expelled by the neighbouring universes. Because universes consume more than they expel, they grow until they are too large and divide into 2 new baby universes.
Occasionally they keep on growing until they burst in a big bang spewing torn eather into space and keeping the cycle going.
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