
Showing posts from August, 2023


2024 USA elections   Just as Biden partners with Harris as a strategy to stay in power, Trump will use Kennedy to protect himself from assassination. Trump / Kennedy, the anti-establishment, anti-war, pro-freedom red team will face off with Biden / Harris the pro-establishment pro-war, security for the common good woke blue team.  Biden with the support of the establishment will win. It will provoke the BRICS alliance to the extent that it will be totally ignored and alienated. The USA, financially devastated is broken up into independent red and blue states. The red nation-states will prosper in an Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" way.  The blue nation-states will continue to follow a fascistic tyrannical style of governance.   Israel Palestinians and Jews are like cousins fighting over their grandfather's house - one holding the deed and the other, the keys. Like many who are victimised as children have deeply wounded roots and are destined to be victimisers as adult...