Consumerism addiction
The recent reaction of America and its Western allies is that of a drug addict. Drug-addicted parents abuse and neglect their children and the families become aggressive and irrational. The children are greatly disadvantaged and are in danger of following in their parent's footsteps. Addicts shamelessly lie and are in constant denial, like a child with a chocolate-covered mouth denying having eaten the chocolate. They manipulate, perform criminal activities, and shift the blame to others. This clear behaviour of drug addicts is reflected in the behaviour of all the facets of America - from the politicians, the banks, the corporations, scientists, academics, media, entertainment and all the leaders and influencers that people follow. There are times when drug addicts go thru phases of self-flagellation. They drown themselves in shame, guilt, and acceptance that they can not make it on their own. They turn to tribalism and like in a cult find solace in belonging to a gro...