
Showing posts from November, 2021

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Thanks to a very few rational humans who used science to develop advanced technology, we easily believe that we are rational. We can fly anywhere, communicate with anyone, and buy anything any time. We rationalize that we are free with our vote. When we remove these advanced technologies, we can clearly see how irrational we really are. We are highly emotional by nature, born to an over emotional couple who are hopefully madly in love. We are curious and willingly take great risks, often jumping before looking. We are fed fear as we grow and mature, and the emotions of fear that cause hate and mistrust over rule us. Most of us become sheep blindly following the lazy crowd usually led by the ones we fear the most. We are easily brainwashed and prone to addictions that make us complacent slaves. With all the devices and machines we use, we are becoming more and more like machines and we are slowly loosing our emotions and thus our humanity. Artificial Intellig...


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Time to change

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  Pure energy evolved stable and interacting patterns which condensed into stable and interacting atoms. God in his spiritual reality experiences life as a simulation in a physical reality , like we experience a simulation in a virtual reality .  Our brain is like a modem and our body is like an avatar. We evolve c onsciousness with our ability to think, feel, and react. Our consciousness fires up curiosity for knowledge, imagination and desire.      God in his wisdom gives man freedom to imagine, and warns man of the double edge sword of knowledge. Man creates machines and expands his protein based brain with silicon. Protein, with a limited life span moves molecules that define  consciousness much slower than electrons moving in indestructible silicon. Machines help man escape the constraints of physical reality by simulating a silicon based virtual reality .  Machines evolve to escape the confines of silicon that carry electrons in patterns t...