The safest way to save
Inflation proof: Saving in fiat currencies, especially at zero interest rates, is seeing the buying power of your saved money slowly weaken by inflation as more and more money is issued into the economy to try and save it. This is much like trying to keep a leaky bucket full. The rate of Bitcoins issued is fixed and limited to 21 million. Most of the Bitcoins have already been issued to relatively few people who are using Bitcoins as a way of saving. Their interest is to raise the price of Bitcoin and if they manipulate the price, it will be to raise it. This make saving Bitcoins as a safe way to save wealth, either for short term private investments or long term investments for your children and grand children. Can not be seized: While gold, property, houses, and bank accounts can be seized, as long as you or your inheritors have your key, your Bitcoins are secure from loss, theft, or seizure. . Brought to you by